Photo by KaleidoShoots
Chuck SJ is a multidisciplinary artist, often exploring trans and autistic matters through various forms. Chuck has completed five European tours, twelve U.K tours,15 albums and 2.EPs. Chuck has performed at Manchester pride, L-Fest, 2000 Trees, Brighton Pride, Anarcho Folk Festival Amsterdam, Trans Pride, LadyFest Maastricht and numerous off grid locations; including 'trailer parks' in Germany, Switzerland and Amsterdam, woodlands scattered throughout Europe, A Metal kathedral in Utrecht, a warehouse in Sint-Niklass and an abandoned house home to a 10 ft dragon in Vienna. Chuck is well known for their gripping stage performance, unique guitar skills and brutal honesty.

Photo by Jemima Yong
Chuck SJ has been one of the most talented musicians and spoken word artists to perform on the LadyFest stage in Maastricht in the last four years.
Their music is simply a bless of the queerest God(desses) and has the power to bring together the vulnerable yet incredibly resilient queer community. Listening to their performances truly is a community-building exercise.
Once their lyrics reach you, their echo will follow you into the most obscure corners of life, never leaving you alone. Or as they put it, you will "never fight alone" again"
- Maddelina, LADYFEST Maastricht.
Chuck SJ is as in your face as anyone you have ever heard, continually challenging views on equality, sexism, sexuality, capitalism, the family unit and anything else they wants to address..."-
- Independent Music Collective
Brutally honest well thought out lyrics and fingers that shoot around the fretboard with incredible ease".
- Overhead Wires